Syncorder Business


The Syncorder Business Connector provides a vital connection between any import/export enabled IT system in the Supply Chain


Business Connector


Controlled by strict synchronization policy

The Syncorder Business Connector



We provide a simple 4 step implementation process


current integrations with Syncorder:

  • Oracle
  • Dynamics Axapta
  • VISMA Business
  • Production Master
  • QAD
  • YonYou
  • Magento
  • Consignor
  • X12
  • Edifact

Hosting, and security

All Syncorder systems are monitored 24/7 and hosted at reliable global hosting partners

Data communication between Syncorder systems are encrypted to secure customer data. All data are mirrored and backed up daily

Get in touch

We simplify the complexity in Order Flow Management

What makes Syncorder so unique?

One Shared Order Process Application

Focus on your core business


“Syncorders platform is deeply integrated from demand to delivery process, in our own planning ERP system as well as our customers large enterprise planning and manufacturing systems.”

Henrik Gregersen, CEO

Syncorder Business Connector, or short SBC, is the integration software from Syncorder enabling the integration between ERP and other systems with the Syncorder cloud.

The integration is done through files and will in future also be available as a web service. The files can be up- and downloaded through various file services like ftp, ftps and others.

The SBC can accept files from various ERP systems like SAP, Axapta, Yunyou, QAD or Visma and various file formats like EDI (X12, OIOUBL, Edifact and more), csv and XML.

Other file formats and ERP systems are made upon customer request, as we can integrate all file formats with any ERP system.

The interaction between SBC and Syncorder also allows for ERP systems to acquire functions not available in the ERP system, as these can be performed in the Syncorder cloud.

One of the new features is the possibility to cross reference item numbers between partners. This will allow for an ERP system to reference the same physical item with different item numbers and descriptions at the trading partners. It will also allow for easy migration to new products, that supersede present products.

We are continuously adding new unique features to Syncorder and SBC lowering the ROI and overall cost in your supply chain.